The HEIDIS project aims at designing and experimenting a new three-layer scheduling framework for 5G and beyond 5G open and programmable network environments. Besides the vertical coordination between the hierarchical three scheduling layers that has to be embedded in the algorithms, we will also work on defining the horizontal interfaces among the schedulers of multiple resources. The involved resources include the radio one, the IP link resource – via SDN systems and programmable Smart-NIC (Network Interface Cards) – and the computing systems (CPU, RAM, and storage) resources behind NFV/Cloud architecture. We will show how the three-layer view can be transposed to other resources than the radio, and how horizontal interfaces among per-resource schedulers can support the consideration of multi-resource allocation constraints needed to improve resource efficiency and multi-resource fairness. We aim at experimenting the proposed scheduling algorithms by leveraging on the Open RAN (O-RAN) platform expected to revolutionize access networks, augmented in terms of functionalities and algorithms with open Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Cloud/Network Functions Virtualization orchestration, control-plane and data-plane elements.
The algorithmic and architectural elements of the HEIDIS framework will be evaluated against two use-cases: a Smart Grid use-case, where tight coupling is needed between edge servers calculating grid reconfigurations for grid protection strategies (to anticipate demand overload) hence requiring ultra-reliable and low latency services and related resource scheduling, and an Infrastructure Sharing use-case calling for high programmability of the scheduling logic to allow the integration of differentiated service policies on a per-operator basis.
HEIDIS addresses this research field with a world-class group of experts, from both industry and academia with very complementary skills. Academic partners include experts in Cloud-RAN architecture (UPSaclay) and in network softwarization and automation (CNAM, Paris). Industrial partners include a major network operator, Orange, with its R&D department (Orange Labs) working in network softwarization and ONAP/ORAN/OPNFV systems, a power distribution operator, EDF with its R&D department working on smart grids, and SMILE, European leader in embedded systems software.
ANR contract number : ANR-21-CE25-0019